SSC Stenographer Skill Test Procedure All Information HERE - Speed Steno


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Saturday, 23 December 2017

SSC Stenographer Skill Test Procedure All Information HERE

SSC Stenographer Skill Test All Procedure Information

Hello, friends here I Add information about SSC Stenographer Skill Test is conducted by SSC. So if you want to beat this exam must know all facts about this SSC Stenographer Exam 2018. All you know SSC Stenographer is the best way to get job in Indian Government without bit skill

नमस्कार दोस्तों जैसा की आप जानते है एसएससी द्वारा हर साल कई पारीछा आयोजित की जाती हैइसी में एक पारीछा होती है जिसने नाम SSC स्टेनोग्राफर C&D की पारीछा यह पारीछा काफी आसान होता है स्टूडेंट्स के लिए बस एक चीज़ अगर उनकी तैयार है तो वो ये पारीछा बड़ी आसानी से निकाल सकते है। उन्हें इस पारीछा को निकलने के लिए हिंदी या English शॉर्टहैंड आना चाहिए वो भी अच्छे स्पीड के साथ बस इतनी मेहनत से ही वे इस परिच्छा को पास क्र सकते है। यहाँ मैंने नीचे इसी पारीछा के बारे में बताया है तो उसे जरूर पड़े आप सभी लोग।

The details of the SSC Steno Skill Test Examination:-

SSC Stenographer Sklii test Procedure-

SSC Stenographer Skill Test Phase 1:-

In this phase, They will provide you with a paper and after that, they Start 800 words dictation for 10 minutes 80WPM For Group D and 100WPM for group C, you have to write on the paper they you first. If you know how to write in Hindi/English Shorthand then you rock in this test. After you text that on this paper will again go for Phase 2 of the Skill Test Procedure.

SSC Stenographer Skill Test Phase 2:-

They give you 10 minute For the reading time after given dictation.After phase 1 they will provide you with a Computer, In a computer, you have to type the dictated words you write in Shorthand in Phase 1. They give you time for Transcription for dictation you write before Here In Timing Group Wise. Here is also error limit in  SSC Stenographer Skill Test. See Below

Timing In Group C Of Transcription:-

English Skill Test:- 40 minutes
Hindi Skill Test: 55 Minutes

Timing In Group D Of Transcription:-
English Skill Test: 50 minutes
Hindi Skill Test: 65 Minutes

Admissible Error Limit In SSC Steno Skill Test:

UR(General): 5-7%
OBC: 6-8%
SC/ST: 7-10 %

Here Is Some Errors Type Of List In SSC Steno Skill Test:

1):- Full Errors in SSC Steno Skill Test:
Handwritten additions/corrections/insertions.
Substitution of a wrong word or figure.
The omission of a word or figure.
Addition of a word or figure not occurring in the passage.

2):-Half Errors in SSC Steno Skill Test:
When Using singular for plural noun and vice versa.
Transposition of words/group of words in a sentence.
Spelling mistake.
Improper use of capital letters at the beginning of the sentence.
Ambiguous over typing Type.
Arbitrary and unfamiliar abbreviations In Dictation.
Improper placement of the Apostrophe in a word Of Dictation.
Improper spacing between the words or in middle of a single word in dictation.

You May Also Know About SSC Stenography Test Important Points:-

If you don’t  mansion your language, Either Hindi & English in SSC Stenographer Examination In Form Filling Time. Then default medium of SSC Stenographer Skill Test is in English. The Stenography Test is mandatory for all categories. This Skill Test is only in Qualifying Nature.

For More Information You Go To SSC Official Link FROM HERE

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